What Committee’s Do

Article X– Duties of Committees

• If required, the chairmen will form their own committees.

• All committee chairmen will maintain a procedure manual and necessary records and work within their budget.


1. Program Committee:


• The program chairman shall be responsible for the scheduling of programs, socials and any field trips.

• The committee shall be responsible for securing dated, written, signed confirmations from the proposed speakers.

• A copy of the program is to be prepared in time for inclusion in the year book.

• The committee is responsible for fulfilling any needs of the speaker such as venue layout, provision of projection equipment, or provision of other demonstration equipment. They can enlist assistance with set-up and clean-up as needed.

• The chairman or delegate is responsible for greeting and introducing the speaker and ensuring that an appropriate thank you or payment is arranged.


2. Hospitality Committee:

• Is responsible for notifying the seven members assigned to provide cold beverages (one member), food (three members), raffle (two members), and the table centerpiece (one member) which is to be used as an additional raffle prize Note that these items

should be at the meeting venue 45 minutes prior to the meeting start time.

• Is responsible for providing and replenishing the consumables: disposable plates, forks, spoons, napkins, coffee, tea, sugar, and creamer.

• Is responsible for assisting the assigned members set up the refreshments, and clean up after the meeting as outlined in monthly meeting instructions.


3. Membership Committee

• Is responsible for providing a committee member or delegate to greet club members and guests on their arrival at a meeting and to provide and hand out name tags.

• Is responsible for maintaining the attendance register and providing attendance numbers to the secretary.

• Shall work with the Treasurer in providing and maintaining accurate membership rosters for GCI and District IX.

• Is responsible for follow up and contact with new members and also with guest attendees as prospective members if appropriate.


4. Yearbook Committee:

• Is responsible for compilation, corrections to, additions to, printing, and distribution of the yearbook.

• Is responsible for ensuring that two copies of the completed yearbook are submitted, usually by the Awards Chair, to District IX and State for awards judging by the relevant deadline, usually September 15th.

• A copy of the program is to be prepared in time for inclusion in the yearbook.


5. Publicity Committee

• Is responsible for compilation, submitting, and ensuring maintaining press and publicity notices regarding future meetings and special events.

• Is responsible for maintaining a Press Release Archive Book.


6. History Committee:

• Is responsible for maintaining the Club History Archives including copies of relevant photo-graphs and relevant press releases.

• Is responsible for preparing an annual written summary of club events and activities Including relevant photographs.


7. Ways and Means/Fund Raising Committee:

• Is responsible for coming up with ideas for potential fund raisers, and deciding when they should occur.

• Is responsible for assisting in securing materials, venues, and people to carry out these pro-jects.


8. Sunshine/Correspondence Committee:

• Is responsible for sending every club member a birthday card.

• Is responsible for sending out bereavement, get well, and other celebratory cards, and also thank you notes as directed.


9. Horticulture Committees:

A. Library Lane

B. Community Beautification Projects

• Each chairman is responsible for organizing a committee to plan, prepare, install, and maintain the specific horticultural project in including the taking of before and after photographs.

• The chairmen should contact the Awards Chair when planning a new or continuing project to determine if it is eligible for a GCI or NGC award, and then fulfill any awards requirements.


10. Garden Therapy Committee:

• The chairman is responsible for organizing a committee to plan, prepare and complete garden therapy projects at the Grayslake Senior Center.


11. Awards Committee: The chairman is responsible for completing an application and applying to GCI for an annual grant.


12. Scholarship Committee:

• Is responsible for the liaison with schools or other qualifying institutions regarding the selection of suitable candidates for the scholarship (s).

• Is responsible for approval by BOD of funds available for scholarship prior to soliciting applicants.

• Is responsible for the selection of a suitable recipient (s) for the scholarship.

• Is responsible for the presentation of the scholarship funds to the winner (s).


13. Communication Committee:

• Is responsible for the following modes of communication:

a. Website – implementation and maintenance of the club website.

b. Newsletter – compiling, editing, printing and distribution of the club newsletter.

c. Brochure – designing, editing, and printing of the club brochure.

d. Email / Phone:

1) Contacting members regarding upcoming meetings and events.

2) Responding to club email


14. Awards and Grants Committee

• Is responsible for completing applications and applying to GCI, District IX and NGC for applicable grants.

• Is responsible for applying for any award the BOD deems pertinent.


15. Flower Show Committee:

• Is responsible for the organization and running of the flower show. Duties include: arranging a venue, deciding on the format and categories to be exhibited, printing of the schedules, organizing judges and prizes, setting up the venue and staffing it, and organizing suitable hospitality. The committee will enlist the assistance of club members as required.


16. Philanthropy Committee:

• Is responsible for investigating and presenting a list of suitable charities, worthy causes, and civic projects to which the club could donate funds.


17. Auditing Committee:

• Is responsible for an annual audit of the books for the fiscal year, and making a report to the Executive Board.


17. Nominating Committee:

• Is responsible for submitting possible candidates for each of the officer's position at the time of an election.

• The Committee will meet to decide on possible candidates, and then contact them to solicit their willingness to be elected.

• The election is to be held in accordance with Article V in the club’s bylaws.


19. By-laws Committee:

• Is responsible for documenting and amending the club by-laws.

• Is responsible for providing an up-to-date copy of the by-laws to the Yearbook Committee for inclusion in the yearbook.