Growing Your First Orchid Successfully
Speaker: Don White from Anything Orchids
The intent of the program is to help people be successful orchid growers. Lighting conditions, watering and repotting are stressed. Don will also try to correct orchid growing fallacies.
Don has been growing orchids for around 40 years and still has his first plant. He owns and operates Anything Orchids, an orchid greenhouse business, selling orchid plants and supplies as well as boarding orchids for growers who do not have time or space in their homes. The business has been in operation for over 30 years. Don is a member of both the Batavia Orchid Society and the Illinois Orchid Society. His plants have won numerous awards at orchid shows. Don was a teacher in Orland Park for 35 years.
There will be many beautiful orchids to purchase for your growing pleasure. Pay by cash, check or credit card.
Food: Char Patterson, Gerti Altman, Kelly Fitzgerald, Liz Barnett
Beverage: Jill Johnson
Drawing: Kris Young, Walt Eisenberg, Carol Wagner
Centerpiece: Rob and Jennie Depke